Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust

Expanding Job Opportunities for Ironworkers and their Contractors

“The foreman training course was excellent. It is good to see payback to the local from the contributions we are making to IMPACT.”

Doug Campbell
Vice President
Central Steel
Lake Stevens, WA

Growing a Business Webcast Series

The goal of the IMPACT webcast series on "Growing a Business" is to provide our contractors with information, tools, and resources that they can use to grow and improve their business. Webcasts cover a business topic relevant to the operations of an ironworker contractor.

IMPACT provides recorded versions of our Growing a Business webcasts along with copies of the speakers’ presentations.

Click this link to view our Webcast Archive.

Menches, Cindy PhotoFor more information about this program contact
Dr. Cindy Menches
(800) 545-4921
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